
I’m writing this within the text capture portion of an app called Funnel.

I’ve always valued a sort of “universal entry point” for things. It’s what I used Drafts for, initially.

This is simpler, offers zero organization, and connects to a set of places I find useful.

In this case, I’m targeting an “inbox” folder in iA Writer, but I’m also using it to add notes to Roam — I prefer it to the built-in “Quick Capture” app!

(Edit: picking up now within iA Writer, later)

I can see it’s going to be very useful, and I’ll be happy to pay for it, I just hope it stays maintained long enough and gets enough quality-of-life improvements.

Some improvements I can think of:

  • Allow ingesting into Todoist
  • Allow ingesting into Ulysses
  • Allow picking which folder for iA Writer to use (e.g. I like to designate an “Inbox” for myself)

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